Reflect about intensive English this last year
What I remember most was the presentation on views on marriage.It was a great opportunity for me to learn what people my age think about marriage.It was Gento's one word that made us decide to give a presentation on this subject.He was interested in my views on marriage, and Manaka and I agreed, and we decided on the theme.
We surveyed nearly 60 people. About 80 percent said they would like to get married in the future. I thought a lot of people wanted to get married too, and it turned out just as I thought it would!
When we were done taking the survey, we compiled the results into one large sheet of paper. I was very particular about the layout, and since a wedding means a wedding and a wedding means a church, I used a church as a motif in the drawing. I think we've got something that looks pretty good 😊😊
The vocabulary test was also a great way to learn English while having fun! I have good memories of trying to remember some things that I couldn't remember, but I managed to remember them in cooperation with my pair!
Everyone in this class was really nice and unique, and the class was a lot of fun. Because it was a small group, I was able to communicate and get along with everyone. I am so glad to have met everyone in this class and Andrew🥹🥹
Thanks for the fun year of Intensive English Ko. Good luck in the future.